Here are some great team shout outs to employees from the last couple of weeks --
To Patrick Redmond & Chip Wanner (Bartenders) from Lucille Paquette and Preston's Team:
The entire staff of Preston's just wants to pass along some words of recognition to some amazing staff. Pat and Chip from K1 cruised into Preston’s last night after working their own full shift to grab a beer.
They arrived during a precarious part of service and soon after they arrival they immediately rolled up their sleeves and got to helping us bus the room and lent a hand without being asked for what felt like a solid 45min to an hour. It was crucial and made all the difference in moral and the rhythm of the rest of the night.
A huge thank you to those guys for stepping up, that’s what team is all about!!!!
To Donna Galotto and the Ramhead F&B team from Emma Steinhart (RTE 4 Sports)
A huge thank you to and the team at Ramshead Food and Beverage for preparing a tray of lunches for the staff at Killington Sports on Christmas Day. The staff enjoyed being able to get their free lunch
To Resort Maintenance Team from Ellen McDonough (Snowshed F&B)
Today the Last Run Lounge was full of patrons enjoying our new pizzeria menu and holiday cheer thanks to YOU! The Pico F&B team are so appreciative of all the work put into our kitchen remodel and the heavy equipment moves. THANK YOU!!!
Patrol Peak Performing Patroller Per Pay Period - Jack Ryan
Well. It's been quite the busy holiday week here for all of us all, so busy that I almost let a 6-P slip right by. Thanks to the loyal 6P followers who noticed and reminded me. What are these 6P's we speak of? If you're new here, this is our take on employee of the month. Throughout the winter we ask our Hillchiefs to nominate the Peak Performing Patroller for that pay period.
This week I'm happy to recognize as our Peak Performing Patroller! Jack has a lot of ambition and is always willing to tackle any job with a positive attitude. Jack has an eye for improvement, constantly looking for things to improve or buff makes him a valuable asset on the hill. In the past few weeks, Jack has assisted on multiple rescues which all resulted in a positive patient outcome. Jack recently completed him EMT, achieving this is not simple and shows a lot of initiative. This is Jack's second winter season with us and we're glad to have him back. Jack is an avid hiker and spent this past summer guiding hikes around Acadia National Park in Maine. The picture below is Jack visiting Half Dome at Yosemite National Park.
When you see Jack around be sure to extend a "thank you" for all he does.

To Adam Lanfear & Road Maintenance Crew from Halley Riley-Elliot (Vehicle Maintenance)
Thank for filling some of the awful, deep potholes on Vale Rd yesterday!! We all really appreciate that!
To Julian Howell (Grooming) from Halley Elliott-Riley (Vehicle Maintenance)
has really stepped it up this season! He sets a good example for the new operators and continues to go above and beyond in his role here at Killington.
Thank you for your great communication, help at Tubeland, and being an all-around great human being.
We all love having you on the team. Keep up the great work!
To Ticket Team Supporters from Corey Kennedy (Tickets)
Quick shout out to everyone who has jumped in to help us at Tickets over these last couple weeks. We truly appreciate your assistance! , , , , , , , ,
As we all do, our team in Tickets and Guest Services have worked a lot of hours during the holiday, so having that extra relief goes a long way. Thank you all!
Pico Ski Patrol from Saskia Groom (Pico Tickets/Fitness Center)

To Beth Clark (Guest Services) from a Guest on behalf of Corey Kennedy (Tickets)
was one of a couple people who this guest worked with and though the issue was ultimately created by himself, he was confident the Resort was letting him down. Beth was able to calm the situation, explain carefully what was happening and ultimately resolved the problem. Great Job Beth, thank you for your approach and patience with these scenarios!
The guest wrote in about Beth:
"Dear Sir/Madame:
Far too often, your patrons write to you and complain about a "bad" experience that one had with a member of your staff. Sadly, people rarely take the time to share their accolades when one has had a great experience with your staff. I had such an experience with Beth Clark on Saturday, December 6, 2024. She is wonderful, experienced and handles a difficult issue deftly and with grace, and I wanted y'all to know.
December 6, 2024, was to be my first weekend at the mountain, and as I historically would do, I went to Guest Services at K Base, to retrieve my seasons pass for my daughter and me. To my surprise, although Sarah's Season Pass was available for me to retrieve, there was no record of me making a payment for my Season's Pass.
I could not understand why. In June, I contacted the Seasons Pass Office to purchase my Season's Pass (as I have done for my wife, my son, my daughter and me for more than 35 years) and pay for it in three equal monthly installments (again, as I have historically done in the past).
I was told by your representative that although I could purchase the passes and pay for it in full through her, I could not do it through her office in three installments. I was told I had to do it online.
So, I dutifully went online, I thought I completed the purchase, and I assumed that I clicked all the correct buttons. I thought it was done and that I could pick up my pass when the winter started. Boy was I wrong.
In September I purchased as a season's pass for my daughter, Sarah. Those charges went through and of course, I did not address the status of my season's pass, since I erroneously assumed the transaction was completed.
As indicated above, when I went to the desk last Saturday, I learned for the first time that no such purchase was made by me. Very alarming.
So, together, Beth and I tried to figure out what happened. I even called American Express to see if they had a record of my purchase; they only had the one for Sarah. I still don't know what went wrong. Quite frankly, that's why I prefer to do important stuff with a person and not a computer.
Beth patiently, professionally and empathically spent more than an hour with me, figuring it out and making sure that things work out. She was just terrific. I value her as a representative of your Mountain. Thanks Beth. Most likely I will see you tomorrow."
To Eric Meren (Group Sales) from Lee Cohen (Group Sales)
Thanks to for putting cones out by the Walkway between upper and lower snowshed on Saturday during the morning rush. This photo shows 3 cars headed from lower to upper snowshed on the walkway with foot passengers walking. There were also cars driving downhill Eric got out into the lot and found some cones and blocked off the walkway for foot passengers only! Good catch Eric!

Insider Blog - Eric Alexander (KParks Team Member)
Check out the latest insider blog about , only female member of our KParks team.
To Willow (Lift Operators) from Nick Brylinsky (Resort Maintenance)
Shout out to Willow who was working Snowdon Triple Midstation today. I was troubleshooting up there this morning and she was outside greeting every guest, working on her already great ramp, and bringing joy to everyone's day, from before I arrived until after I left. Her positivity made me miss the time I spent running lifts.
Terrain Parks - Shaper of the Month - Riley Dinn
December 2024
Awarded for his reliability with scheduled shifts and assigned tasks, positive attitude regardless of the task at hand, and strong attention to detail while maintaining/building features in the park and working on fabrication projects at Bear Shop.
Years on Park Crew: First Year
Favorite Park: Timberline
Favorite Feature: OG Rainbow Box
Favorite Trick: Nollie
Season Goals: Learn to Japan Grab
Favorite Food at Killington: K-1 Banana Bread
What do you like most about working at Killington? Riding and working with great people and the views

Pico 360 Adventure Collective Demo Event on behalf of Rich McCoy
This is a comment from Stacey Gellert, Executive Director of the 360 Adventure Collective Group commenting on their recent visit to Pico on Jan. 14 -15th for the Industry Demo of new Ski, Boards, and accessories. Rich-
“Thanks for sending the stats! This is incredibly helpful. We LOVE coming to Pico. Y'all are always so professional and supportive. Thanks for all you and the team (Mike, Dennis, Sharon, Jessica) do to create an amazing event. Below are some stat's for you to share with the team.”
My thanks for the whole team that assisted with the event, Brad Leabourne, David Wright, Bobby Dederer, Nate Granetz, Crystal Cioffi. The whole snowmaking team and Lifts team, and lastly F & B for an experience they won't soon forget.
To the IT Team, Eric Meren & Jo McDonald (Group Sales) from Lee Cohen (Group Sales)
I would just like to recognize the IT team, specifically , and for assisting with POS issues at Group Sales the past weeks. Some things are out of our control, and we do rely on Powdr to assist with our IT needs, but our IT staff has done a great job of being responsive to our tickets, investigating complex error messages and helping to fix both terminals which were down this weekend.
I also pulled away from his Team Support greeter shift on Saturday and he was quickly able to deduce the errors we were getting. Thanks for taking the few minutes to donate your knowledge and experience.
Another quick shoutout to and who were running between the regular snowshed ticket booth and group sales to reprint Group Ticket orders that were not working properly on a busy Saturday holiday weekend.
Thanks to you all, our guests did not notice the issues we were experiencing and were resolved right on time!
To Gail Buck (Guest Services) from Andy Davis, the voice of SnoCountry radio on behalf of Jordan Spear
I’m writing today to extend my gratitude to in Customer Service. On December 5th at the end of the ski day my skis and poles were taken from outside the KBL. The following week I learned from Killington that a pair of skis were left that day that no one claimed, and it was possible they might belong to whomever took my skis. I stopped by Killington and met Gail at customer service. She was familiar with my situation and when we investigated the skis left behind, we found a generic sticker on the skis with a person’s name.
It was a common name and of course Killington’s database had many people with the same name. From there Gail took over and kept working over the list to narrow it down to an individual that fit the bill of visiting Killington that day. They were from Denver Colorado! Gail emailed them and engaged in a conversation that led to my “lost” skis being mailed back to me here in Vermont.
I’m so grateful for Gail's extra effort to hunt down my equipment and sort through this unpleasant situation. She is amazing!!
Best regards, Andrew Davis
To Sarah Rich (Bag Check) from Shannon Munger (Tickets)
I have recently had the pleasure of spending a lot of time with Sarah in bag check here at K1 and I wanted to highlight her dedication to the guests of Killington and their families. Not only does she greet every guest with the friendliest smile, but they make sure it is a part of their daily routine to stop by and say hello to her. I have personally had numerous customers stress to me how much they appreciate Sarah and all she does for them. We like to say that Sarah has a fan club here at Killington, but that would be underestimating what she means to the guests at the mountain. As she does not have teams, if you are grabbing a bite to eat up here at K1, make sure to stop by the bag check Saturday, Sundays, and Peak days to say hello to our amazing Sarah!