Staff Care for Work Related Injuries Workers Comp Preferred Provider Info
Please refer to these instructions if you or one of your staff need medical treatment for a work injury
When staff need medical treatment for a work-related injury, they should go to one of our patrol room locations first. If further treatment is needed, staff should see KPSRP's Preferred Medical Provider.
Beginning July 1st – KPSRP’s Preferred Provider for staff medical care for work related injuries will be RRMC Employee Health & Wellness (RRMC EHW)
Rutland Regional Medical Center is located at 160 Allen St. Rutland VT 05701.
Enter on the Allen St side of Hospital – Outpatient Services entrance and use the first door on the left

Follow the instructions below if an employee requires medical care for a work-related injury:
1. Contact the Workplace Safety Office to report a work injury (WPSO = x116746)
2. For first aid and minor injuries, report to KPSRP Patrol-First Aid, when available.
3. For further medical treatment call RRMC EHW office at (802) 772-2525. They will direct you when to come in. RRMC HOURS are Monday- Friday 8am – 4pm. (closed July 4th)
4. When RRMC EHW is unavailable or closed, and medical treatment cannot wait until RRMC EHW is open, use the Emergency Department at Rutland Regional Medical Center, which provides 24-hour service.
If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Beliveau at 802.422.6746 or or John Duke 802.422.6298 or